When people eat large meals, they put a strain on their system, because then the body has to work extra hard to digest the food. Also, the body will take much of the food, and store it for later use as fat. When there is a long period between meals, the body's blood sugar will go way up just after a meal, and then drop way down again, while waiting for the next one. This pushes a person's ability for activity and thinking through a series of peaks and valleys. Six Small Meals a Day
by James Clair Lewis
copyright 2008
It is not very efficient to operate that way. It is hard on the body, and gradually wears it out. It tends to make people fat, as well.
Eating six small meals per day, is a better way to go. The small meals are easier for the body to digest, and it smoothes out those peaks and valleys of energy, allowing you to function smoothly throughout the whole day.
If you hold your hands out, cupped together, this is the size of one small meal. It also is the size of your stomach. Shoving more than that into your stomach, hurts it by stretching it out beyond its optimum size. In part, the stomach digests food by expanding and contracting to mash the food into a better condition for the intestines to get the nutrients out of it. The stomach cannot do that very well, when it is stuffed beyond capacity.
Depending upon what you just ate, it takes the body between two and a half to three hours to digest one small meal. Eating six small meals a day, spread out every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, means that just when the stomach has finished its part of digesting one small meal, that a new small meal will be coming down. That's what eliminates the peaks and valleys of energy throughout the day.
Perhaps the most important thing about this, is that when the body knows that it will be getting another small meal, just when it has finished with the previous one, that the body will cease to store anything away as fat. Then, if you have any fat you want to lose, some regular exercise, like Tai Chi, walking, or swimming, will be all you will ever need.
MSG, monosodium glutamate, (which is also listed on ingredients labels, simply as "spices" or "flavorings"), is used by scientists studying obesity to make MSG rats, or fat rats for their studies. Rats are not naturally fat animals, so the scientists give MSG to young rats to make them fat for their studies. MSG is also an addictive drug, so it is added to many processed foods to get people to eat more. Most restaurants add MSG to their food not knowing that they are, or what it is doing to their customers.
Eat organic food. Shop at farmer's markets, and grow some of your own food at home, even if it is just in a container pot out on an apartment balcony. You will be very glad you did.
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