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#49 : Decrease

Decrease what is out of balance to increase harmony.
Return to where you belong. Be open to Influence. Bring Increase where it is needed. Shake up your thinking. Be an innovator. Be Gentle and dependable.
Curb Stupidity. Provide Nourishment. Restrain excess. Balance Opposition. Employ Truth. Approach justice.
Decrease is a balancing that benefits all concerned.
The Image
Embrace the Earth. Recognize the moment. Listen to the words of Dragons. Study the Ancient Wisdom.
The Inside
The Dragon pays attention. When the beginning is correct, what follows moves smoothly. Be smart. Be well centered, and await the correct moment for action. Be sensible! Comply with regulations when setting up an operation. Be careful! Use the internal strength for leverage when you are stuck. Think! Maintain an open mind. Good Luck. Do not openly attack evil, when you are vulnerable, & lack influence. Danger!
The Outside
Stupidity can be corrected by the wise use of discipline. Be careful. Carry your own weight. Do not attach yourself to people simply because of what they can give you. Be Responsible! The Bees cooperate with each other. With an ally you can undertake bold ventures. Be wary, prepared, and have a definate aim in view. Good Luck! You need an ally to deal with opposition. Be careful. Unity and harmony can only be established by those who speak the Truth. Be honest. Supreme Good Fortune comes, when the Sage approaches the Seeker. Be Kind.
The Lines
Top : There is Good Fortune in making sacrifices for the common good. Be real.
5 : Fortune smiles upon those who walk upon the Path of Truth. Never fear.
4 : People will approach you after you rid yourself of bad habits and misconceptions. Listen!
3 : The Bees cooperate with each other. Realize where you belong, and allow things to happen naturally. Relax!
2 : Rely upon, and protect your personal resources and Knowledge. Get Wise.
1 : Do not accept as a favor, what you cannot repay. Be honest.
Decrease's Circle of Friends

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