Yes, I am a fan of CJ Cherryth, and Fantasy & Science Fiction books.
Here is something to read while Cyteen, (30, 706K) is loading.
These exercises should be used in combination with my set of Lucid Dreaming Exercises. Exercises like these have been kept secret by the Mystery Schools for thousands of years, but I think the time has come for them to be available to the public. Please use them exactly as directed, and on the schedule provided, for optimum results. Exceeding the schedule, or the amount of time recommended for the exercises, will not speed up the process, which needs to proceed gradually, and naturally, rather than be forced.
After a few months of this practice, care must be taken NOT to become angry at anybody, (even if they are deserving). You will find the consequences to be most unpleasant. When such a situation arises, it is much more effective to imagine that person as becoming more cooperative or refraining from being antagonistic. This will put out a vibe that sort of gives difficult people permission to be nice. There is nothing that can be done with black magic, than cannot be more effectively accomplished with white magic.
The Sweep
For all of these exercises you will lie down on your back on a mat, your bed, or fine Oriental rug. This exercise is the simplest, and should be used for one whole month before moving on to the next exercise. Start with the practice of five minutes per day and gradually work up to a half hour by the end of the month.
Visualize a sphere of clear light in your head. Inhale, and focus your consciousness in your head. Exhale & sweep your consciousness, and the ball of clear light down to the feet. At first you will move the focus of your awareness, but as your become more used to this Practice, you will be moving the location of your consciousness.
The Jewel in the Lotus
These exercises employ internal Mantra, that is, the Mantra will be sounded in your Mind in the specified Occult center, rather than audibly, as Mantra generally are used. This is to focus the energy internally, rather than externally. Also, it will not bother your neighbors...
Use the mantra, Aum Mane Padme Hum as you inhale, and its second part, Om Tat Sat Aum, as you exhale. Visualize a light of pearl at the thalamus. Slowly expand it to fill your head, then contract it back to the thalamus. Now slowly expand it to fill your whole aura, & contract it back to the thalamus. Repeat for five minutes, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes over the course of the second month. Use the Jewel in the Lotus exclusively for one week, & then alternate each day with the Sweep for the rest of the second month.
For the first week of the third month, you will use this exercise. After that you will alternate each day between the Sweep, the Jewel in the Lotus, and the AUM exercises. Focus your consciousness in the thalamus. Now move it forward to the pituitary gland at the base of the sphenoid bone behind the eyes. Inhale on the thalamus, & exhale on the pituitary. As you inhale, mentally sound, AUM. As you exhale, mentally sound, um. Begin the second month using the AUM exercise for five minutes, and gradually increase the time to 30 minutes.
Back in '73 I did this exercise while hooked up to an EEG at the Univ. of Mass. at Columbia Point. I generated two brainwave patterns that were unknown at the time. The first had the amplitude of alpha, but the frequency of beta, & seemed to emanate from the cerebellum at the back of the brain. The second was a one second delta pulse from the thalamus to the pituitary that was so powerful that it pinned the meter! It was estimated that I was consciously using 1/3 of my brain capacity with the first brain wave. The second could not be calculated. Normally people only use 10%.
Meditation 101
Volumes have been written on the benefits of meditation. Here is the simplest & most effective method I have found. It was taught by Ramana Maharshi. Sit in a comfortable posture (either a Yoga posture or in a chair with your legs out, & your hands draped near your knees) with your eyes open. Now focus your consciousness on your consciousness. That's it. That's all there is to it. Ignore what you see & hear around you; focus your consciousness on that part of you which is aware, & not upon the objects of your awareness. Words & thoughts will stream through your mind; ignore them: focus your consciousness on your consciousness. Images & even emotions will come to distract you; pay them no heed : remain calm & concentrate on only one thing, your consciousness itself. When you are meditating, do not become distracted by external or internal phenomena. It is so simple, & yet it is quite hard.
Psychic powers cannot manifest without good integration of the right & left brain lobes. Use the Tao exercise exclusively for the first week of the fourth month. Then alternate each day between the Sweep, the Jewel in the Lotus, AUM, and the Tao exercises. Gradually increase the time you use the Tao exercise from five minutes at the beginning of the month to thirty minutes by the end of the month. Focus your consciousness at the thalamus, and sound Tao on the inhalation, and the exhalation four times. Now drag the consciousness over to the right lobe of the brain, while mentally sounding Yin on the inhalation. Then push the consciousness over to the left lobe of the brain on the exhalation, while mentally sounding Yang through the corpus callosom which wraps above the thalamus. Continue back and forth between the right & left brain lobes... Yin/Yang, Yin/Yang...
It's not easy at first. BUT, you will discover that the focus point of your consciousness can change & move about. For this exercise, you take the focus of your consciousness away from its usual resting place just above & behind the eyes, and move it into the right lobe of the brain. Then you move the focal point of your consciousness over to the left lobe of your brain. Back & forth. When you consciousness is focused in the right lobe of your brain, it will feel that that is where it is, & you will begin to see in your Mind's Eye the actual structures of the right lobe of your brain. The same with the left lobe of the brain. While you are moving the focal point of your consciousness from one to the other, you should feel like a wave of energy is splashing back & forth inside your head from side to side.
The neural conduit between the right & left lobes of the brain is known as the corpus collosum. It is located just above the thalamus (Crown Chakra, Third Eye) at the center of the brain. In women this structure is somewhat larger than in men. However, men have more connective structures between the front of the brain, and the back end of the brain. Thus men & women have equal intelligence, but for different reasons.
The Word
Beginning with the fifth month, you will use this exercise for the first week. Then you will alternate each day between The Sweep, the Jewel in the Lotus, AUM, Tao, and the Word. The internal (non-vocalized) mantra for this exercise is "Yod He Vau He". Focus your consciousness in the cerebellum & pineal at the back of your brain, inhale slowly, & mentally sound "Yod". Next, move your concentration to the thalamus, & mentally sound "He" as you exhale. Now go into the pituitary as you inhale, sounding internally "Vau". Finally, you will curl your tongue back up to the roof of your mouth, and mentally sound "He" as you refocus in the hypothalamus & brain stem on the exhale. Repeat this for five minutes, gradually increasing the time to thirty minutes by the end of the month.
The Seal Of Solomon
This is the exercise for the sixth month. Use it exclusively for one week, and then begin alternating with all of the exercises in the sequence that they have been given, one each day. The internal mantra for this exercise is a form of the Tetragrammaton : Yoder Hela Vaum Hela
Mentally sound Yoder in the thalamus as you inhale, and extend the consciousness into the brain stem & silently sound Hela as you exhale. Return to the thalamus sounding Vaum as you inhale, and then go back to the brain stem to sound the second Hela as you exhale.
Sound Yoder in the thalamus, and extend the consciousness into the optic chiasma to sound Hela. Return to the thalamus to sound Vaum, and then go back to the optic chiasma to sound the second Hela.
Sound Yoder in the thalamus, and extend the consciousness into the right parietal lobe to sound Hela. Return to the thalamus to sound Vaum, and then go back to the right parietal lobe to sound the second Hela.
Sound Yoder in the thalamus, and extend the consciousness into the right occipital lobe to sound Hela. Return to the thalamus to sound Vaum, and then go back to the right occipital lobe to sound the second Hela.
Sound Yoder in the thalamus, and extend the consciousness into the cerebelum to sound Hela. Return to the thalamus to sound Vaum, and then go back to the cerebelum to sound the second Hela.
Sound Yoder in the thalamus, and extend the consciousness into the left occipital lobe to sound Hela. Return to the thalamus to sound Vaum, and then go back to the left occipital lobe to sound the second Hela.
Sound Yoder in the thalamus, and extend the consciousness into the left parietal lobe to sound Hela. Return to the thalamus to sound Vaum, and then go back to the left parietal lobe to sound the second Hela.
Mentally sound Yoder in the thalamus as you inhale, and extend the consciousness into the brain stem & silently sound Hela as you exhale. Return to the thalamus sounding Vaum as you inhale, and then go back to the brain stem to sound the second Hela as you exhale.
Gradually work from five minutes of repeating this sequence of the exercise to fifteen minutes during the first week of the month. Then alternate between each of the exercises, one each day for the rest of the month. By the end of the month you should be doing the Seal of Solomon for one half hour.
Up until now, I have been posting preliminary exercises, with the view to lead you to Astral Projection to the Great Library just above the Astral Plane on the Plane of the Divine Mind. That was the prelininary work. It is most important that you follow all of the instructions given here exactly. Do not attempt to rush the Process by doing exercises before they are given, or by using them longer or more frequently than instructed. Just as with physical exercise, over-doing these Occult/Mental Yoga exercises can do you harm. The Mind needs time to adjust to perceptions on the higher planes, and become oriented to the greater world beyond. Pushing yourself too quickly will unbalance your mind, and you do not need that. So please, use as directed. Please Take Note
The most valuable thing in the world, and also, the most elusive, is the Balance Point. It lies between not seeing what is right in front of you, and seeing things that really are not there. To find this Clear Light, you must learn to rely, only upon yourself, and the Infinite resources within you. There are many things that simply cannot be explained in words to the uninitiated.
Yes, it does take effort, but everything worthwhile requires that...
I hear this complaint from time to time, from people having difficulty with the exercises. hehehe Your consciousness is that part of you, that knows that you are you. It is your awareness, and most people feel it resting just above & behind the eyes. BUT, you can will your consciousness to focus elsewhere. With practice, you can move your consciousness to any part of your body. These exercises are designed to help you learn how to do that, among other things. Eventually, you will not only be able to focus your consciousness anywhere inside your body, but you will also be able to focus your consciouness on the Higher Planes, & beyond.
You just have to put forth the effort & practice...
The Dural Tube
In Cranial/Sacral Therapy, the dural tube refers to the structure that encases the brain, spine, & nervous systems of the physical body. The flow of cerobral/spinal fluid through the dural tube is said to nourish the nervous system, and through that, all of the glands & other organs of the human body. This is the exercise for the seventh month. Use it exclusively for one week, and then begin alternating between each of the exercises each day in the sequence that they have been given.
Focus your consciousness in the thalamus as you inhale, and expand the focus to include your entire brain on the exhale. Repeat this for about two minutes, and then very slowly work your way down the spine one vertibrae at a time with each breath. When you get down to the sacrum, expand & contract your consciousness throughout it with your breath for two minutes. Then work your way back up through the vertibra to the thalamus, and expand & contract your consciousness there for two more minutes. By the end of the month this exercise should take one half hour.
Air, Water, and Fire
This is the exercise for the eighth month. Use it exclusively for one week, and then begin alternating all of the exercises each day in the sequence that they have been given.
The mantra is "Aleph Mem Sheen". Mentally sound this mantra twice at each energy center. The first energy center is the cerebellum & pineal at the back of the head. The second is at the thalamus in the center of the head between the ears. The third is the pituitary gland just above & between the eyes. The fourth is the hypothalamus & brain stem just below the thalamus, & here you may choose to curl your tongue backward to touch the roof of your mouth. The fifth is at the center of the throat at the thyroid gland. The sixth is in the center of the upper chest at the thymus gland. The seventh is the solar plexus. The eight is the navel, & here you may visualize a spiral of of golden light entering & exiting your body along with the mantra. The ninth is the gonads. The tenth is the anal sphincter.
After a few minutes of meditation to attain calm & clarity, expand & contract your whole aura with the mantra four times. Now, begin with the first energy center, & gradually bring the energy down to the tenth in sequence. Then expand & contract your whole aura with the mantra four times. Now slowly bring the energy back up, beginning with the tenth, & working up through all of the others, until you get to the first. Finally expand & contract your whole aura four more times with the mantra. Then repeat the entire sequence of bringing the energy down, and then back up one more time. Rest.
The Cranial Bones
The exercise for the ninth month works with the cranial bones surrounding the brain. The names of these bones will serve as their mantra, & you will visualize 8 colors of light associated with them. At this point an anatomy book is indispensible, although you should have gotten one long ago.
Ethmoid - Red
Frontal - orange
(Right) Parietal - yellow
(Left) Parietal - Green
(Left) Temporal - Blue
(Right) Temporal - Indigo
Occipital - Purple
Sphenoid - WhiteVisualize the color associated with each bone while centering your consciousness in it. Inhale & exhale its name, and then move through each bone in sequence. Repeat for five minutes, gradually increasing the time to fifteen minute by the end of the month. Use this exercise exclusively for the fist week, and then go back to alternating exercises each day for the rest of the month.
The Face of God
Use this exercise each day for the first week of the tenth month, and then alternate each day between all of the exercises that have been given so far. The silent mantra used in the Face of God exercise are : Elohim, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Peh, Resh, and Tau.
Mentally inhale and exhale Elohim in your head. Focus in the right eye, using Beth, inhale and exhale. Then focus in the right ear, using Gimel, inhale and exhale. Next focus in the right nostril, using Daleth, inhale and exhale. Focus in the left eye, using Kaph, inhale and exhale. Then focus in the left ear, using Peh, inhale and exhale. Next focus in the left nostril, using Resh, inhale and exhale. Finally focus in the mouth, using Tau, inhale and exhale. Mentally sound Elohim in your head, inhale and exhale. Now work back through the entire sequence.
Mentally sound Elohim in your aura, inhale and exhale. Focus in the Sahasrara Chakra, using Beth, inhale and exhale.. Then focus in the Ajna Chakra, using Gimel, inhale and exhale. Next focus in the Vishuddha Chakra, using Daleth, inhale and exhale. Focus in the Anahata Chakra, using Kaph, inhale and exhale. Then focus in the Manipura Chakra, using Peh, inhale and exhale. Next focus in the Swadhisthana Chakra, using Resh, inhale and exhale.. Finally focus in the Muladhara Chakra, using Tau, inhale and exhale. Mentally sound Elohim in your aura, inhale and exhale. Now work back through the entire sequence.
Inhale & mentally sound Elohim in your head, then exhale & mentally sound Elohim in your aura. Inhale using Beth in the right eye, and exhale, using Beth in the Crown Chakra. Inhale using Gimel in the right ear, then exhale using Gimel in the Forehead Chakra. Inhale using Daleth in the right nostril, and exhale using Daleth in the Throat Chakra. Inhale using Kaph in the left eye, then exhale using Kaph in the Upper Chest Chakra. Inhale using Peh in the left ear, then exhale using Peh in the Heart Chakra. Inhale using Resh in the left nostril, then exhale using Resh in the Belly Chakra. Inhale using Tau through your mouth, then exhale using Tau in the gonads. Inhale & mentally sound Elohim in your head, then exhale & mentally sound Elohim in your aura. Now work back again through this sequence.
Inhale & mentally sound Elohim in your aura, then exhale & mentally sound Elohim in your head. Inhale using Beth in the Crown Chakra, then exhale using Beth in the right eye. Inhale using Gimel in the Forehead Chakra, then exhale using Gimel in the right ear. Inhale using Daleth in the Throat Chakra, then exhale using Daleth in the right nostril. Inhale using Kaph in the Upper Chest Chakra, then exhale using Kaph in the left eye. Inhale using Peh in the Heart Chakra, then exhale using Peh in the left ear. Inhale using Resh in the Belly Chakra, then exhale using Resh in the left nostril. Inhale using Tau in the gonads, then exhale using Tau in your mouth. Inhale & mentally sound Elohim in your aura, then exhale & mentally sound Elohim in your head. Now work backwards through this sequence, & rest.
The Pentagram
The Pentagram is the exercise for the eleventh month. Use it each day for one week, and the alternate with each of the other exercises each day. There are six Mantra which will be used in this exercise. They are to be sounded mentally, & not audibly. They will be sounded once on the inhalation, & once on the exhalation.
Head : Azoth
Left Foot : Atziluth
Right Hand : Briah
Left Hand : Yetzirah
Right Foot : Assiah
Heart Chakra : Ain Soph Aur
Thumb or Big Toe : Azoth
Middle Finger or Middle Toe : Atziluth
Pinky Finger or Pinky Toe : Briah
Index Finger or First Toe : Yetzirah
Ring Finger or Fourth Toe : Assiah
Focal point : Ain Soph AurVisualize yourself as being inside a Sphere of Clear Pearly White Light. Mentally sound the Ain Soph Aur with your breath three times. Now visualize a Sphere of Light around your head, and sound, Azoth three times. Visualize a Sphere of Light around your left foot, and sound, Atziluth three times. Visualize a Sphere of Light around your right hand, & sound, Briah three times. Visualize a Sphere of Light around your left hand, and sound, Yetzirah three times. Visualize a Sphere of Light around your right foot, and sound, Assiah three times.
Bring your consciousness back to your head & sound, Azoth twice. Focus around your left foot, and sound, Atziluth twice. Focus around your right hand, & sound, Briah twice. Focus around your left hand, and sound, Yetzirah twice. Focus around your right foot, and sound, Assiah twice.
Bring your consciousness back to your head & sound, Azoth once. Focus around your left foot, and sound, Atziluth once. Focus around your right hand, & sound, Briah once. Focus around your left hand, and sound, Yetzirah once. Focus around your right foot, and sound, Assiah once. Bring your consciousness back to your head & sound, Azoth once. Focus in your Heart Chakra, and sound, Ain Soph Aur six times.
Bring your consciousness back to the Sphere of Light in your head, & sound Azoth once. Visualize an upright Pentagram between your ears. At the top point of the Pentagram, at the top of your head, sound, Azoth. Move your focus to the lower right side of the brain, and sound, Atziluth. Move to the upper left just above the ear inside the brain and sound, Briah. Slide your consciousness over to the upper right side of the brain and sound, Yetzirah. Move your focus down to the lower left and sound, Assiah. Return to the top point of the Pentacle and sound, Azoth. Place the consciousness in the center of the head and sound, Ain Soph Aur.
Rotate the Pentagram inside the Sphere of Light in your head forward 90 degrees. Now the top point will be at the front at the Optic Chiasma, the Ajna Chakra. Sound Azoth. Move the focus to the back right side of the brain & sound Atziluth. Move the consciousness to the front left side and sound, Briah. Slide the consciousness over to the front right side, and sound, Yetzirah. Move the focus to the rear left of the brain, and sound, Assiah. Return to the front center, and sound, Azoth. Place the consciousness in the center of the head and sound, Ain Soph Aur.
Rotate the Pentagram back up to the first position, and then twist it sideways, so that it runs from the front of your head to the back. Focus at the top of your head and sound, Azoth. Focus at the lower back of your brain next to the ³brain door² and sound, Atziluth. Move to the front at the Ajna Chakra and sound, Briah. Slide your consciousness back to the upper rear of your head and sound, Yetzirah. Now curl your tongue to touch the roof of your mouth, and sound Assiah. Relax the tongue, and focus on the top of your head sounding, Azoth. Place the consciousness in the center of the head and sound, Ain Soph Aur.
Focus your consciousness in the Sphere of Light in your left foot, and sound, Atziluth three times. Concentrate on your big toe, and sound, Azoth. Focus on your middle toe and sound, Atziluth. Focus on the pinky toe and sound, Briah. Focus on the 1st toe, and sound, Yetzirah. Focus on the 4th toe and sound, Assiah. Concentrate on your big toe, and sound, Azoth. The focal point in the foot is in the center just behind the pad of the foot. Concentrate here, and sound, Ain Soph Aur three times. Focus your consciousness in the Sphere of Light in your left foot, and sound, Atziluth three times.
Focus your consciousness in the Sphere of Light in your right hand, and sound, Briah three times. Focus on the thumb and sound, Azoth. Focus on the middle finger and sound, Atziluth. Focus on the pinky finger and sound, Briah. Focus on the 1st finger and sound, Yetzirah. Focus on the fourth finger and sound, Assiah. Focus on the thumb and sound, Azoth. The focal point is in the center of your hand, focus here and sound, Ain Soph Aur three times. Return your consciousness to the Sphere of Light around your right hand and sound, Briah three times.
Focus your consciousness in the Sphere of Light in your left hand, and sound, Yetzirah three times. Focus on the thumb and sound, Azoth. Focus on the middle finger and sound, Atziluth. Focus on the pinky finger and sound, Briah. Focus on the 1st finger and sound, Yetzirah. Focus on the fourth finger and sound, Assiah. Focus on the thumb and sound, Azoth. The focal point is in the center of your hand, focus here and sound, Ain Soph Aur three times. Return your consciousness to the Sphere of Light around your left hand and sound, Yetzirah three times.
Focus your consciousness in the Sphere of Light in your right foot, and sound, Assiah three times. Concentrate on your big toe, and sound, Azoth. Focus on your middle toe and sound, Atziluth. Focus on the pinky toe and sound, Briah. Focus on the 1st toe, and sound, Yetzirah. Focus on the 4th toe and sound, Assiah. Concentrate on your big toe, and sound, Azoth. The focal point is in the center just behind the pad of the foot. Concentrate here, and sound, Ain Soph Aur three times. Focus your consciousness in the Sphere of Light around your right foot, and sound, Assiah three times.
Bring your consciousness back to your head & sound, Azoth once. Focus around your left foot, and sound, Atziluth once. Focus around your right hand, & sound, Briah once. Focus around your left hand, and sound, Yetzirah once. Focus around your right foot, and sound, Assiah once. Bring your consciousness back to your head & sound, Azoth once.
Bring your consciousness back to your head & sound, Azoth twice. Focus around your left foot, and sound, Atziluth twice. Focus around your right hand, & sound, Briah twice. Focus around your left hand, and sound, Yetzirah twice. Focus around your right foot, and sound, Assiah twice.
Now focus around your head, and sound, Azoth three times. Focus around your left foot, and sound, Atziluth three times. Focus at your right hand, & sound, Briah three times. Focus around your left hand, and sound, Yetzirah three times. Focus around your right foot, and sound, Assiah three times. Focus in your Heart Chakra, and sound, Ain Soph Aur six times.
Adam Kadmon
This is the exercise for the 12th month. Use it each day for one week, and then begin alternating each day with all of the other exercises in sequence.
Kether : thalamus/thalamus
"Hoakmah" : right lobe/right lobe
Binah : left lobe/left lobe
Daath : brain stem/brain stem
Chesed : throat/right arm
Geburah : thymus/left arm
Tipereth : Heart Chakra/Heart Chakra
Netsah : navel/right leg
HOd : below navel/left leg
YesOd : gonads/gonads
Malcuth : anal sphincter/feetAt each step of this exercise you will inhale and exhale the silent mantra for that specific area three times.
Begin with the aura and sound Shekinah. Next focus in the thalamus and sound, Kether. In the right lobe sound, "Hoakmah". In the left lobe sound, Binah. In the roof of mouth sound, Daath. In the right arm sound, Chesed. In the left arm sound, Geburah. At the solar plexus sound, Tipereth. At the right leg sound, Netsah. At the left leg sound, HOd. At the gonads sound, YesOd. At the feet sound, Malcuth. Then focus back in your aura and sound, Shekinah. Now beginning with the feet, go back through the entire sequence, ending with sounding Shekinah in your aura.
Next focus in the thalamus and sound, Kether. In the right lobe sound, "Hoakmah". In the left lobe sound, Binah. In the brain stem sound, Daath. In the throat sound, Chesed. In the thymus sound, Geburah. At the solar plexus sound, Tipereth. At the navel sound, Netsah. Just below the navel sound, HOd. At the gonads sound, YesOd. At your ass sound, Malcuth. Then focus back in your aura and sound, Shekinah. Now beginning with your ass, go back through the entire sequence, ending with sounding Shekinah in your aura.
Inhale Kether at the pineal, and exhale Kether in thalamus. Inhale "Hoakmah" at the right lobe, and exhale "Hoakmah" in the right lobe. Inhale Binah at the left lobe, and exhale Binah in the left lobe. Inhale and exhale Daath, when you curl the tongue up to the roof of the mouth, making a connection to the brain stem. Inhale Chesed through the right arm, and exhale Chesed in the throat. Inhale Geburah through the left arm, and exhale Geburah in thymus gland. Inhale and exhale Tipereth at the Heart Chakra. Inhale Netsah at the right leg, and exhale Netsah at the navel. Inhale HOd through the left leg, and exhale HOd just below the navel. Inhale & exhale YesOd at the gonads. Inhale Malcuth at the feet, and exhale Malcuth at the anal sphincter. Inhale & exhale Shekinah in your aura. Now beginning again with Malcuth, work back through the sequence to Kether. Then mentally sound Shekinah in your aura, and rest.
Inhale Kether at the thalamus, and exhale Kether in thalamus. Inhale "Hoakmah" at the right lobe, and exhale "Hoakmah" in the right lobe. Inhale Binah at the left lobe, and exhale Binah in the left lobe. Inhale and exhale Daath in the brain stem. Inhale Chesed through the the throat, and exhale Chesed in right arm. Inhale Geburah through the thymus gland, and exhale Geburah in left arm. Inhale and exhale Tipereth at the Heart Chakra. Inhale Netsah at the navel, and exhale Netsah at the right leg. Inhale HOd below the navel, and exhale HOd through the left leg. Inhale & exhale YesOd at the gonads. Inhale Malcuth at the anal sphincter, and exhale Malcuth at the feet. Inhale & exhale Shekinah in your aura. Now beginning again with Malcuth, work back through the sequence to Kether. Then mentally sound Shekinah in your aura, and rest.
A Year and a Day Having completed this one year course, the energy channels between your Soul through your ego to your physical body ought to be fairly open, and your objective mind should have direct access to the knowledge of your Real Self. You can maintain this connection by using the exercises on a weekly schedule. Use The Sweep on the first day. The Jewel in the Lotus on the second day. AUM on the 3rd day. Tao on the 4th day. The Word on the fifth day, and the Seal of Solomon on the sixth day. You should rest on the seventh day, although it will be OK, if you feel like meditating.
Use the Dural Tube on the 8th day. Air, Water, & Fire on the 9th day. The Cranial Bones on the tenth day. The Face of God on the 11th day. The Pentagram on the 12th day. Adam Kadmon on the 13th day. Rest on the 14th day. Then start over again.
The Final Retreat With completion of the second year of this practice, your inner attunement should be sufficient for finding out just how far this Practice can take you. Arrange to go on vacation for a week or two in a quiet place in the wilderness, where you will not be disturbed by anybody. Beginning early in the morning after breakfast, go through each of the first six exercises. Then take a break for lunch. After lunch go through each of the second six exercises. Then have dinner, and an evening stroll. Do this for six days in a row, and then rest on the seventh.
Please do not attempt the Final Retreat before completing the second year of the Practice. It takes time to adjust to the changes. Pushing yourself, and hurrying along, do not yield optimum results. The pace of this course is already quite accelerated, and you can harm yourself with any form of exercise, whether physical or mental, by proceding in an unbalanced manner. Gradual, consistent effort over a long period of time, actually is the fastest route, and produces the optimum results.