Click on the avatars to see the full-sized animations. These are much larger, than the ones on the first three pages, so they take longer to load, but they are worth the wait. You will find that Contemplation of them enables the Mind to transcend the mundane world...
35711 Primes88.1MB

7/7/7 Crop Circle23.1MB

7/7/7 Peach43.4MB

Garden Nook26.4MB

Reseda Vortex18.4MB

Cat's Eye Nebula43MB

Faerie Lands53.6MB

Monarch Butterfly57.2MB

Orange Chakra47.5MB

Peach Node Vortex48.2MB

Peach Stem Chakra43.8MB

Pentacle of Peach43.9MB

Plum of Ascension45.4MB

Configuration64, 438K

Trailing Daisy38.5MB

Cranial Sacral24, 061K

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